13 February 2003: Seismic events


Unprecedented volatility: the Earth changes

Amper praises Göran/Jorun because he now knows what he should do. He also dreams of signs of what is happening  in the Earth’s interior.


—– ooOO – OOoo —–


Amper (whose messages are always written in italics): – You, Jorun, you did what you had to do. You know exactly what to do. You have reached the point where you know how to do this. You weren’t able to earlier, but now it is clear, clear to you.

You saw what was on horizon. You saw how it was shaping up so you understood. You also saw the small individual. There is nothing wrong with taking care of small things, making sure they can be there whilst the big picture emerges. That which should have been accomplished this time is as good as it ever could be.

I thank you, I follow you, I walk in your footsteps. I love you as you love me.


—– ooOO – OOoo —–


I found myself in a large room with many people. We were looking at a Richter Scale, there were enormous swings on it, highs and lows – many peaks. I was discussing the significance of these seismic events with the others. It seemed that I myself had a leading role in the whole thing.  I saw myself standing with a rolled-up papyrus scroll in my hand; it was sealed with a special seal.  

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“You know exactly what to do. You have reached the point where you know how to do this.”