19 May 2004: People walking far



Mission to save the world on fire

I forsee some kind of mass migration. There world is on fire. I have to save it. 

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I sat for a while in my armchair before Chreel woke up in the morning. I closed my eyes and immediately saw a dirt road with people walking along it. In the beginning there were not so many of them, but more and more people joined. Eventually, the road was full of people walking. It seemed that they had a specific goal.


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Several years ago I received a message from Amper that went like this:

“Do not ignore your own participation in the universe. The key to understanding the universe is you.”


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The world was on fire. Terrible things were happening. Somehow I got the job to save it.

I do not know how, but I think it worked.


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I found myself in a large room. Lots of people were there. Everyone had gone over to the other side long ago. It was a kind of celebration, everyone was happy.

We went out together to a different place. I lost all them all, all those souls. I went looking for them but could not find them. I arrived up on a small hill. There was a large house there. I looked through the windows which were tinted gray-blue. I saw they were there inside. But I could not reach them. I continued to wander around the house, but I could not get back to them.

When I woke up, I understood immediately. I’d been drinking brandy in the evening before and was tired, sleepy and not alert. I must admit and accept what happened, and accept that I am who I am.

Something had gone wrong during my rounds. I pray that they come back so I can put the things right that which I was unable to solve last night.

It may be that it all worked itself out after my rounds. I hope so.


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I was out somewhere where one road ended and another road began.

I put out hay bales and fresh grass at a reasonable distance from each other. I thought in my dream “why are you doing this?” Somehow, I got the answer from myself that I have always done this.

It was probably the explanation about my rounds with animals.

A little later I even saw flowers and plants in squares high above me. It looked beautiful.

I feel so grateful for this.


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I was parachuting. There were nine or ten of us men on a secret mission. I jumped last of all and landed next to those who had already landed. I could steer to exactly where I would land.

Our leader asked for one of us by name. I replied that he was the one who jumped first. I do not know any more about this.

I stood next to another man and changed into other clothes. I thought it looked like military clothing. I folded the parachute up into a soft case.

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“Do not ignore your own participation in the universe.”  









“I lost all them all, all those souls. I went looking for them but could not find them.”  













“I pray that they come back so I can put the things right that which I was unable to solve last night.”