5 November 2004: Strangest dreams


One of the strangest dreams

My dreams are visited by a being that radiates love and empathy. I also discover an entrance to Shangri La that other people do not seem to see.

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I was in a garden, walking through it. Something else was also there. I think of it as like a big spider’s web, one and a half meters high. There were at the top things that looked like green struts, each about thirty centimeters long. They sat on top and also vertically down the sides.

It felt as if this existence wanted to show itself and radiate that it would “not hurt me.”

I could see right through this creature, from it I felt empathy and love. At the same time, I think it wanted to try to understand who I was or what I am. I felt also that it came from afar. Or from far inside.

A road ran outside this garden. There was a mailbox by the side of the road. From the location of the mailbox a signal was sounding, rather like our own doorbell.

As I went in my thoughts this morning I felt this existence close be me all the time. It was a little hard for me to concentrate; I do not usually have an audience every day. It felt like it marveled at me somehow. Yes, I am unaccustomed to such visits.

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I was awoken in the middle of the night to recall the dream I had just had.

I was out driving a car, I’m not sure if Chreel was with me. The road ran past a steep mountainside or it might have been a gray curtain. All the other cars with people driving along the same road did not see that something was right next to them, very close up.

They had driven along this road since the beginning of time without seeing it.

I saw it for myself and stopped. I stepped out of the car and began to walk towards it. It was an extremely difficult climb, in all ways more difficult than I ever encountered before.

But I know that I got there. I know that in all likelihood I found what was over there.

I did not see it but knew that it was a kind of Shangri la, as people say.

The journey back was not nearly as troublesome, it was easy. I came to the curtain, that is, from the back, and there were many people who came and went as they pleased, they had no difficulty at all.

Chreel had stayed in the car when I had began my hike upwards. She too now was behind this curtain, she too had gone through it. Somehow I left Chreel there, I do not know how.

I went out again onto the road and saw cars whizzing by like nothing had happened. They sat there in the cars. Cars really represent people’s path. And as I said they hadn’t the slightest clue about the existence of this curtain.

I even remember that when I was inside the curtain I met a man. He said I should be a little more careful with what I said to other people. There was no admonition, but a light remark that I should think more about what I said.


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After my rounds in the morning I fell asleep. I was in a larger room and sat by one of the short walls. Towards me on the floor all sorts of lizards, frogs and all sorts of small animals came crawling. I felt that they wanted to get close to me. I even felt a great love from them, and at the same time great gratitude.


––––– ooOO – OOoo –––––


I was somewhere with a lot of people. These were being persecuted, afflicted and not left in peace. Even physical abuse of the worst kind was going on.

I myself was among them. I tried as best I could to relieve their pain, but I could not do so much. I was with them, feeling their cries and agonies. Something very dark had full discretion over what was happening and they seemed to be enjoying this misery. I myself was frustrated that I could not do much so about it. I could not myself be attacked and knew all the time what was going on.


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I was out on a boat on the way to Germany. There were many people on board. Suddenly there was something wrong with the boat.

When I looked out, I saw the ground outside and realized that we were on a train with many wagons. I saw some men sitting at computers or monitors. They had some sort of control of the whole thing, as if to make sure everything worked when such a sudden change occurred.

Well, what can you say about this? There was something wrong this morning with my rounds. Sometimes I am so tired, almost in a trance, it sometimes goes wrong. I hope the men at the screens can hold out so it will be good again. It is what it is sometimes I cannot help it.

The answer came the very next night.

I was driving a truck with milk churns on the back and came to the dairy to unload. I dropped one of the churns or it fell off the truck. It had ended upside down but the lid was still on tight so no milk had run out.

I knew when I woke up it that I could repair what went wrong yesterday morning. It’s so nice to get clarity on this.

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“I could see right through this creature, from it I felt empathy and love.”  










“They had driven along this road since the beginning of time without seeing it.”  











“I did not see it but knew that it was a kind of Shangri la, as people say.”  










“Something very dark had full discretion over what was happening and they seemed to be enjoying this misery.