21 February 2006: Galaxies long since gone


Responses to call to the universe arrive

I go further among galaxies than I have ever been before. I dream of people traveling, postcards, markets and supermarkets.



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I was standing on a street where a business of mine was located once. I do not know the reason it closed. It might have gone bankrupt or I just closed it down.

People were standing on the other side of the street, crowding together. They were about to leave and travel away somewhere. They had bags and luggage with them.

A young woman broke away from the crowd and came up to me. She was holding quite a large number of postcards in her hands. She handed them to me, all with my address on. The backs of the postcards were covered with writing. I got the feeling that this was redirected mail of some kind.

Later and fully awake, I reflected on what this dream meant. I think that when it took place I was in a solar system far, far away.

Last night I wandered much further than ever before; I went far away to galaxies of the past and to new stellar systems. I have never gone so far before and it was clear as it could be that those beings on the other side of the street were ready to go on their journey. It may well be that they were responding to my call: “I shout out, summon and seek.”

I’m not so sure, but this is what I believe. I guess I will find out, for now I will continue the same way.


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Chreel and I sat in the living room. A man, a doctor, came in. He had a kind of crypt made of wood with him. I think the idea was that I should step inside it and go away somewhere.

We were in the kitchen, this man who was a doctor came in and began to polish the window from the inside. Suddenly he plastered the outside. I thought that he’d have to go through the front door again, but that was not the case. Somehow he made his way right through the window again.

What was this? Well, we had complete visibility.


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I was somewhere high up in a building, in a large hall, cuddling a young woman. There was also another woman who somehow wanted to live with me.  A mysterious older woman who looked after the food and other things was also there. It turned into a kind of feast or banquet,

I asked Chreel, who also was there, if I was wearing the right clothes. I was wearing two things. “If I take the one on top off, can I just have the one I have on underneath?” She replied that that would be OK.

Many people were waiting to receive some kind of dividend.

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I was in a market with Chreel and many others. Chreel met a woman whom she knew. I said: “I didn’t think you’d be here.”

This woman wanted to christen a child. I thought we should find a priest or something, but the woman was desperate for me to christen this girl. The peculiarity of this story or dream is that the woman had already been dead for a week.

What was this? Does it really move that fast?

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Two men were with me in a major deal to buy coconut flakes. These flakes looked like souls, like of children. It was mainly the other two who wanted to buy the flakes. Myself, I did not know how to find the checkout. The two men had already gone through.

One of the men came back. He had, as I said already, paid and put the goods in a room farther away, in storage. There were strange labels on these coconut products, I could not see any price.

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I think that when it took place I was in a solar system far, far away.”    







“Last night I wandered much further than ever before; I went far away to galaxies of the past and to new stellar systems.”








“The peculiarity of this story or dream is that the woman had already been dead for a week.”