22 February 2007: Personification of love


Face to face with love personified

I meet love personified and see a man doing a job that should be done by thousands.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


A man came up to me where I was standing. He was from the United States. He was dressed in a pink sweater similar to one I usually wear, which I mentioned to him.

I saw he had something under the edge of his sweater, it looked like feathers. It felt as if the creator himself was visiting. His left eyelid hung down a little.

He radiated tremendous love the whole time. He was love personified.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


A man kept many tools in a long building. Really, he should have had thousands helping him with the work he was doing for people, animals and plants. But he did it all alone.

Lots of people came to this man for help and tranquility. None of the other people knew of this man.

Yes, what is there to say…


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


These words came to me this morning: The body’s calm words can be potent.


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“It felt as if the creator himself was visiting.”  





“The body’s calm words can be potent.”