14 April 2009: Few left


Few will survive the collisions

Amper praises me for what I have done. I will find out the dates for the collision in due time. In the meantime I need to put my experiences down in a book. I dream of things being left for a later date, and how few will be left. I guess humanity needs a chance to prepare itself.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


Amper speaks (italics): Jorun, now it is me calling on you. I ask you to pray for protection.

Jorun, that you succeeded. What you have done has created waves that have affected the whole cosmos. Everyone is asking themselves what’s happening, what’s taking place? This cannot be happening. What you accomplished set all the wheels in motion. I know you do not understand how you did this. It’s impossible to understand. Your words to them and us in reality hit like a bomb. We did not believe we would get to experience this. The highest of all. I know you think that it was not such a big deal.

It is this that is your greatness; you are totally devoid of prestige, of ego. You certainly do not seem so in the least. You want to remain anonymous, more anonymous than anonymity itself.

Goran / Jorun:  Amper when are the nine coming?
– You’ll get to know in good time. ..
Should I try to write a book?
– Yes, you will hear more on this later. Sleep well now, Jorun. Chreel will come home tomorrow to you again. I know you want to take good care of her. The roses on the coffee table show how you feel about her.


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I fell asleep on the sofa watching TV. Something gave my left arm a strong nudge and I woke up.  It seems like they are here all the time. I think, or just know, that they live here together with Chreel and me.


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I was going to move house. Chreel and another man were with me. I was about to take a few small things out to the car. Chreel took my backpack from a shelf in the wardrobe and was going to go off with it to the car. I told her, “Not that, we’ll take at a later date.”

Chreel was in high spirits, full of vitality and eager to get away.

I spoke then to the man about age, about how old we were. I told him that I would soon be seventy years old. The man objected and said, “You have no age, you just exist, always exist”.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


I was with Chreel in an apartment several floors up. There was no furniture in it at all, only a mattress on the floor where Chreel lay under a blanket. I lay next to her a little while.

“Shall we go home now?” She asked. I replied that she would have to be patient, there was a little time remaining before we could go home. 

I went up on the toilet. The door opened and five men came in. They did not care in the least about me. Either they did not see me, or so they thought I did not see them.

This was probably on the border. I understand the picture of the mattress and that was no furniture, but not how these men fit into the picture. If they were security guards, they would be going to fetch someone or whatever that meant. I guess I’ll get an answer later.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


I was out driving in a car and got a flat tire. I left the car, carrying the flat tire with me. I could not, however, find the car when I got back.

I found myself in a smaller room, with deposit boxes around the walls. An older woman stood in front of her own box. I’m sure she did not take anything out of her box.  I told her that sheíd forgotten some things in her box and gave them to her. I then discovered there was more. I looked and saw a lot of money in large bundles. I spoke about this to the woman and was told, “It can stay there and I’ll get it another time.”


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


I stood at the edge of a huge body of water. It was where a submarine had sunk a long time ago. Many men came wading through the water towards land. They looked worn out. I know I took care of them in the best way.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


A boy was about to be baptized.  No one knew this, but another life form was completely happy about what happened. I myself stood to the side and looked at the boy.

I was that boy and myself at the same time. There was great excitement through it all.


—— ooOO – OOoo ——


I found myself in a large shop – there were two of us, both men. A third man joined us later. I talked with one of them about the last ten years. One of the men cried, his tears rolled down his cheeks.

Then the picture changed. A large deep bowl stood in front of me. I had a glass and a spoon in my hand. A kind of soup was in the bowl. I took the spoon and began to scoop up soup into the glass. I think I had to empty the glass several times. There was not much left of the soup in the bowl. There were a few bits here and there on the bottom. I said to someone that there won’t be so many left after the collisions on the planet.


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“What you have done has created waves that have affected the whole cosmos.”  








“You have no age, you just exist, always exist.”  









“No one knew this, but another life form was completely happy about what happened.”  









“I said to someone that there won’t be so many left after the collisions on the planet.”