21 and 27 November 2011: Write!


A book of a kind never before written

I’ve started putting everything into book form.  Amper says it will take time, but it doesn’t matter.



—– ooOO – OOoo —–


21 November

Goran / Jorun: – I’m shouting for you, calling you and seeking you, Amper!

Amper (always in italics): –We are here Jorun.

– Thank you, is there something I should be aware of?

– Jorun, it would be good if you wrote a book and not anything else. You have understood this during the last days’ review of your writings. We are so happy here, on this page, that you have reviewed what you have written and eventually will get started with the writing.

– You are so wise and we marvel at the way you think. You want nothing to go wrong with this. It will not go wrong, it will take a long time, but let it do so.

– We are constantly with you in this work that has never been done before. You show the courage that is needed for this. I do not know if there is anyone at all alive who would dare to take this on.  You have had several chances but never before had the courage.

– I know that this and that are needed to get this done. I know now that in any case it will come and how it will come! I And I sometimes waver.  Anything else I should know?

– As I said, let the water run.

– I know that you are loved by the one you think of. This love appears sometimes in small short sequences. This love has for years been waiting for you but you’ve never understood that. Now you finally understand and we are delighted. We rejoice more than you think.

– What is your Message?

– That’s just like you, Jorun. Sometimes you ask about things that you already so well know the answers to.  We are here, as you understand, always with you.  We greet you. We’ll hear from you again soon!


—– ooOO – OOoo —–


27 November

I am surprised every now and then. The time aspect is wide, wider than I previously thought. Sometimes it is now, sometimes long ago, and sometimes a leap far into the future.

You have to be observant. Really all is one single now, but the present has, as I understand it, many sides.


—– ooOO – OOoo —–


I was out in the woods; a tree was to be felled. There was only a small saw cut at the base of the tree, like a felling cut, and it would definitely not fall. Suddenly it began to creak and the tree fell with a great crash. It is probably telling me that it will happen much earlier than I had previously thought.


—– ooOO – OOoo —–


There was a large house near a lake. It was for sale.

A woman and I talked about this and we said, “If the house costs a million, we can buy it, if it costs two million we will not manage it.” I thought that this woman liked me a lot, as if she saw something in me no one else had seen.

Suddenly, a large, dark, and handsome German shepherd dog came into the house. It felt as if the dog was guarding us, no harm should come upon us.


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“It will not go wrong, it will take a long time, but let it do so.”  




You have had several chances but never before had the courage”




This love has for years been waiting for you but you’ve never understood that.”  




“The time aspect is wide, wider than I previously thought. Sometimes it is now, sometimes long ago, and sometimes a leap far into the future.”  




“Really all is one single now, but the present has, as I understand it, many sides.”  



“It is probably telling me that it will happen much earlier than I had previously thought.”