Category: Others
Physics says other universes may exist
According to a recent article on the BBC website, physicists have proposed several candidate forms of “multiverse”, each made possible by a different aspect of the laws of physics. Insight from Görans diarie’s seem to have more sense that one might first imagine. Read the full article here. Read diary entries where Göran mentions other…
It has to end in order to begin anew
Humanity could have had everything, instead, they left their gifts unopened
Message from Native Elders to the UN
THIS MESSAGE RECENTLY GIVEN TO THE UN BY OUR NATIVE ELDERS – WHAT IS NEEDED NOW TO SAVE ALL LIFE ON EARTH Excerpts from the address of Chief Phil Lane, Jr, Chairperson of the Four Worlds Internationai Institute to UN Secretary General, Javier Perez de Cuellar & the World Commission on Culture and Development Very…
Old Bible says Jesus was not crucified
Reported on the website Disclose TV, an ancient Bible- containing the gospel of St Barnabas- says the Jesus was not crucified. Read more here.
New technology brings people together, mapped like a universe
Noomap sees the world through the concept of holon … the whole is in the one. it takes co-creation to a new level, and could be good technology to help us prepare for coming challenges. Read more here
You, me and the apocalypse. Now on TV.
A new TV show depicts a group of ordinary people who learn that an eight-mile wide comet is on a collision course with Earth and hunker beneath the town of Slough to watch the end of the world on television. Art, it seems, is finding the themes spoke of by Amper.
A New Story for Humanity coming soon
The New Story Hub is a resource centre for anyone interested in the huge transitional task we face as a global community. We invite you to participate and to help us accelerate our collective understanding of what might be, what is emerging and what must change, both in us and in the Human Story.
Doomsday clock: Humanity at three minutes to midnight
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, scientists, formed after the Second World War and the threat of nuclear oblivion, said that nobody should take solace in the fact that humanity has moved no closer to oblivion. The Bulletin says, among other things “We, the members of the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the…
Stephen Hawking: humanity threatened
An article in the UK paper the Telegraph reported that Prof Stephen Hawking believes humanity is under threat, mainly of its own doing. “We face a number of threats: nuclear war, global warming and genetically engineered viruses,” said Prof Hawking, speaking to the Radio Times ahead of his BBC Reith Lecture.‘ The professor added: “Science…